Free Mastering Sample
Before uploading your masterpiece please read the following:
- Make sure your songs have not had any limiter or maximizer or compression plugins added to the final stereo out here’s a diagram. If you don’t know what this means just make sure your song isn’t too loud.
- Make sure your songs are in .wav format or .aiff format. Do not send MP3s as they are not suitable for high quality mastering.
- And finally…make sure you’re serious about having a professionally mastered song. If your mix has too many issues, mastering isn’t going to help much (Consider our popular mixing and mastering service).
- Read this: If you’re unsure of the difference between mixing and mastering or if you’re wondering if mastering can fix a bad mix?
Having trouble uploading? Try uploading here. If this isn’t working, you can upload your file to your favorite file sharing site and send it via our contact form.